
Showing posts from June, 2019


1. How to get the list of all the tables , views and stored procedures etc from a  Teradata database. select TableKind , TableName from DBC.TABLES where DatabaseName='db_name' TableKind  can be T, O, Q, P, V ....


HTTP/2.0 modifies  how data is formatted and transported between client and server, in doing so , it encapsulates all this  additional complexity in a new framing layer both on the client and server side.  So  applications built on previous versions of protocol continue to work except with added benefits of being faster and with some new capabilities at their disposal  like request prioritization , flow control and server push. 


It is two way ( full-duplex - in both direction at same time ) communication protocol between server & client using long running TCP connection.  Client  & server both  can send messages to one another in asynchronous manner.  The messages are sent with very little overhead and hence results in very low latency. Websockets remove the need for long polling in the HTTP based applications needing real time updates from server.  Long-polling is done so that client application does not have to keep polling/requesting  server for updates as it results in  frequent HTTP connection overheads.  So client makes a request and server waits as long as it can, until either there is update for client or it times out. This is called long polling.  How websockets work ? 

AWS Solutions Architect Certification Prep

Kinesis Data Analytics can use standard SQL queries to process kinesis data streams and can ingest data from Kinesis Data Streams and kinesis Firehose.  Kinesis Firehose can be used for running SQL queries. ( Udemy ). DynamoDB has two pricing models; on-demand ( unpredictable traffic ) and provisioned (predictable). With API Gateway, you can maintain multiple versions and multiple stages of each version of an API. Access Policy vs. ACL IAM Policy vs. Password Policy You can not assign deny rules to a security group. ALB only features: - Path Based Routing - Host Based Routing - HTTP Method Based Routing - HTTP Header Based Routing -Query String Parameter Based Routing -Source IP Address-CIDR Based Routing -Native HTTP/2  NLB  only features: -Static IP -Elastic IP -Source IP Preservation ( at some places it talks that all ALB , GLB also support this )  CLB only features -Custom security policies SNI , secure listener Amazon Cognito lets ...

Memcached vs Redis

Here are few differences mentioned on one of  Udemy Practice Test: Redis stores data persistently but not memcached.  Redis supports multi-AZ with read replicas in another AZ in same region. You can have a fully automated, fault tolerant ElastiCache-Redis implementation by enabling both cluster mode and multi-AZ failover Memcached engine does not support Multi-AZ failover or replication. References:


RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks Raid Types :  1) Hardware  External RAID Controller Card or Internal RAID on chip 2) Software ; Software only ( susceptible to boot errors)  or Hybrid ( user hardware component to deliver RAID BIOS functions )  RAID Levels  RAID 0 - Disk Stripping ( no redundancy, higher read/write throughput  )  RAID 1 - Disk Mirroring ( redundancy, handles single disk failure, increased read performance, uses more space capacity )  RAID 5 - Stripping With Parity ( redundancy, can withstand single disk failure , increased read performance, takes lot more space. RAID 6 - Stripping with Double Parity ( minimum four disks needed, can withstand double disk failure , higher redundancy and increased read performance) RAID 10 - RAID 0 of RAID1's ( minimum four disks needed  RAID protects data availability and redundancy, but does not recognize or remediate file corruption, write errors, or hacking. Not a replacement for b...

Ephemeral Ports

When a client initiates a communication with server at well known port,  you only know about the server port like for SFTP port 22 or HTTP port 80 but which port is used for communication on client don't have any idea. This is called ephemeral port. Depending upon the client device/OS , it is picked up from a range of ports , used during the communication and released after that.