1. Two very useful links if you are trying to setup Angular environment on windows 10 in a corporate network. https://www.zeolearn.com/magazine/setup-angular-windows https://yakucoding.com/npm-and-corporate-proxy-pac/ https://yakovfain.com/2016/11/06/angular-cli-speed-up-installing-dependencies-with-yarn/ https://coryrylan.com/blog/angular-ng-for-syntax 2. Very useful free courses/links for Angular: https://scrimba.com/g/gyourfirstangularapp https://nehalist.io/working-with-models-in-angular/ 3. You can change the style dynamically using property binding. [style.background-color]="expression" 4. Be careful searching for help on Internet about Angular , as there is lots of documentation around old versions which no longer apply. 5. At times when you are making an call in following manner and let us say getUser() is actually making an http call to a REST service. this . statusService . getUser (). subscribe (( value : Body ) => { this . resp = value...