
Recently I used this tool for connecting to Hive via Knox gateway.  Good thing about this tool is that it automatically downloads the driver and configures it. That  is a pain in tools like Squirrel.  It also makes a JDBC connection to Hive.  Below is how the HOST and JDBC URL settings look like :

HOST : <KNOX_HOST>:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/<topology>/hive

JDBC URL :  jdbc:hive2://<KNOX_HOST>:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/<topology>/hive

What I noticed on my setup was that if you keep the default port which 10000 and you set it to 8443 , it does not work. So you have to keep it blank.  That may be specific to my setup.

Also you might notice that ssl=true but there are  no sslTrustStore=< Path to the “.jks” file in the NiFi node >;trustStorePassword=< TrustStore Password>  parameters. The reason is if you import the gateway cert  into the trust store at this location  "<DBeaver_Install_Location>/jre/lib/security /cacerts " , you don't need to specify both  of those parameters in the URL. 


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